More Princess Di than Lindsay Lohan: Thanks for the Peptalks.

You’ve all been watching me unravel for while now. And in my head Im having a public breakdown, but I think in reality? It’s ballsy. Why is this surprising to me? I AM BALLSY. I also have no concept of self-moderation, no filter, and have a palliative case of verbal diarrhea.

I also use the Oxford comma like a boss.

Actually though. The last few days have been so strange. Cathartic, really. After my post about my divorce, I was literally inundated with an outpouring of supportive comments, texts, messages and even a couple phone calls. And in the wake of that huge confession (and anti-cat tirade), I came to the realization that I am somebody.

Let’s let Mr. T take it away for a minute.

I won’t be somebody’s foo’. I am a young, attractive woman. I’m smart, and I’m funny as fuck. I don’t need to be validated by another person. For so long, I’ve let my self worth be calculated by my surroundings and not on my own personal merit. I went to school for two years for my woo-degree, and if I took ANYTHING from that (aside from how much acupressure actually hurts), it’s that my locus of control was always so external. And over the past few days, I’ve been doing a lot of introspect, and trying to stuff that locus of control back down my craw and internalize it. I am in control of my own life. I make decisions. I own those decisions.

If you aren’t familiar with the concept of locus of control, this is a pretty good resource explaining it

And since I’ve done that,  I’ve become so much less Woe-Is-Me, and so much more Go-Fuck-Your-Hat. And that’s a better look for me, because my ugly cry? Is ugly. Less cry, more fuck. I think that’s a pretty good motto to live by, yeah?

2 thoughts on “More Princess Di than Lindsay Lohan: Thanks for the Peptalks.

  1. “I won’t be somebody’s foo’. I am a young, attractive woman. I’m smart, and I’m funny as fuck. I don’t need to be validated by another person. For so long, I’ve let my self worth be calculated by my surroundings and not on my own personal merit.”


    We’ve seen this all along. I’m glad you’re seeing it now, too.

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