Sorry, I Ruined Your Sheets

It’s not a blog title you fabricate from thin air.

I briefly flirted with having a Copper-T IUD. IUD? This is Sparta. Four or five months it was installed. Is that the proper verb for having a piece of copper jammed in your uterus? Installed? I digress… So I had this IUD- because babies? Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat. But let me tell you.


I’m not even kidding. I really, REALLY wish I was kidding. Horrific menstrual blood flow can be a real fucking downer when you’re the crowned Boner Rodeo Queen. But does it stop me? Bitch, please. Let the lady ride the buck and then pop a super plus and PTFO. And I did just that. I even woke up in the middle of the night for a freshie. But, lo and behold, 7 am came around and I felt a little.. Uncomfortable. I peeled back the blanket and I felt the colour drain from my face. Probably because it had no blood left in it because THIS.


So yeah, sorry about those sheets. They were really nice sheets.